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Updated: 5/1/2018
Summary Dentist and RDH
Renewal Deadline: February Even Years
Renewal Period: 2 Years
Required Hours: 30
State Mandated CE Courses: CPR/BLS
Limits on Courses: 15 hrs of self-study
Dentist and Dental Hygienist Practice Act 12-35-139
12-35-139. Continuing education requirements - rules.
(1) As a condition of
renewing, reactivating, or reinstating a license issued under this article, every dentist and dental
hygienist shall obtain at least thirty hours of continuing education every two years to ensure
patient safety and professional competency.|
(2) The board may adopt rules establishing the basic requirements for continuing
education, including the types of programs that qualify, exemptions for persons holding an
inactive or retired license, requirements for courses designed to enhance clinical skills for certain
licenses, and the manner by which dentists and dental hygienists are to report compliance with
the continuing education requirements.