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Updated:  5/1/2018

Summary Dentist

Renewal Deadline:  August 31st Even Years
Renewal Period:  2 Years
Required Hours: 30

State Mandated CE Courses:  3 hrs CPR,  Domestic abuse every 5 years, 
Dentists treating children must complete 2 hours of Child abuse identificatoin every 5 years,
6 hours on Sedation for those with sedation permit

Limits on Courses: 12 hours of self-study

Other:  6hrs for sedation if applicable,  4 hours of credit allowed for presenting original material at an association convention, 2 hrs for attendance at the table clinic session of a convention meeting, 5 hrs max for publication of each article (max 20)

Summary RDH

Renewal Deadline:  August 31st Even Years
Renewal Period:  2 Years
Required Hours: 30

State Mandated CE Courses:  3 hrs CPR, 
Domestic abuse every 5 years, 
Dentists treating children must complete 2 hours of Child abuse identificatoin every 5 years,
6 hours on Sedation for those with sedation permit

Limits on Courses: 12 hours of self-study

Other:  6hrs for sedation if applicable,  4 hours of credit allowed for presenting original material at an association convention, 2 hrs for attendance at the table clinic session of a convention meeting, 5 hrs max for publication of each article (max 20)

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Iowa Dental Board

Iowa Code Chapter 272C

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Continuing Education Hours Required
Dentists and Dental Hygienists: 30 Hours required every 2 years


CPR:  Required for renewal – can claim up to 3 hours for completing course. To be eligible, CPR certification courses must be from nationally-recognized sponsor, and include a "hands-on", clinical component. A CPR course may include an online component provided there is an in-person portion prior to the certification being issued.

Abuse Identification and Reporting Training:  Within 6 months of employment and every 5 years thereafter – credit can be claimed for completing courses with the current reporting period.

Sedation:  6 hours for persons with a deep sedation/general anesthesia or moderate (conscious) sedation permit.
Please note: this CE requirement does not apply to local anesthesia permit holders.

Dental Assistants: 20 Hours required every 2 years


CPR Required for renewal – can claim up to 3 hours for completing course. To be eligible, CPR certification courses must be from nationally-recognized sponsor, and include a "hands-on", clinical component. A CPR course may include an online component provided there is an in-person portion prior to the certification being issued.

Abuse Identification and Reporting Training Within 6 months of employment and every 5 years thereafter – credit can be claimed for completing courses.

Infection Control 2 hours

Dental Radiology 2 hours for dental assistants with an added qualification in dental radiography.

Extensions and Exemptions

Illness and disability
In cases of illness or disability, licensees and registrants can apply for an extension or exemption of the continuing education requirements. Written application must be made on forms approved by the Board. A licensed physician must also sign the form. The Board may require the applicant to make up a certain portion or all of the minimum education requirements.

Other extensions and exemptions

The Board also issues individual extensions or exemptions in the following cases:

The current biennium renewal period, or portion thereof, following original issuance of a license or registration (first renewal in Iowa);
Periods that a person serves honorably on active duty in military services;
Periods that a person practices the person’s profession in another state having a continuing education requirement, and the licensee or registrant meets all of the requirements of that state;
Periods that a person is a government employee working in the person’s licensed or registered specialty and assigned to duty outside the United States; and
Other periods of active practice and absence from the state approved by the Board

Inactive Status

Another way to renew your license and registration without obtaining continuing education is to place your license or registration on inactive status. Under inactive status, no continuing education is required, however, you must pay the renewal fee and submit an application for renewal. While on inactive status, you cannot practice dentistry, dental hygiene, or dental assisting in Iowa until your license or registration is reactivated. Reactivation requires submitting an application and fee. You must also submit proof of having completed continuing education as required by rule. Contact the Board office for additional information about inactive status.


Persons who qualify for the above exemptions or extensions can mark the appropriate spot on the form for renewal. In addition, if you qualify for a continuing education exemption or extension, you must still submit a timely application for renewal and pay the required renewal fee.  You must still obtain training in identification and reporting of dependent adult and/or child abuse and submit proof of current certification in CPR (unless issued an exemption from CPR in cases of disability).

Course Topics

In order for subject matter to be acceptable, it must meet the guidelines as established in IAC 650--Chapter 25.  Courses that are approved for dentists and hygienists are also approved for dental assistants.   Licensees and registrants may only participate in clinical, "hands-on" portions of continuing education courses that fall within their scope of practice.

IAC 650--25.3(7) Subject matter acceptable for continuing dental education credit:
      a.   In order for specific course subject material to be acceptable for credit, the stated course objectives, overall curriculum design or course outlines shall clearly establish conformance with the following criteria:
      (1) The subject matter is of value to dentistry and directly applicable to oral health care.
      (2) The information presented enables the dental professional to enhance the dental health of the public.
      (3) The dental professional is able to apply the knowledge gained within the professional capacity of the individual.
      (4) The dental science courses include, but are not limited to, those within the eight recognized dental specialty areas and topics such as geriatric dentistry, hospital dentistry, oral diagnosis, oral rehabilitation and preventative dentistry.
      b.   Acceptable subject matter includes courses in patient treatment record keeping, risk management, sexual boundaries, communication, and OSHA regulations, and courses related to clinical practice. A course on Iowa jurisprudence that has been prior-approved by the board is also acceptable subject matter.
      c.   Unacceptable subject matter includes personal development, business aspects of practice, personnel management, government regulations, insurance, collective bargaining, and community service presentations. While desirable, those subjects are not applicable to dental skills, knowledge, and competence. Therefore, such courses will receive no credit toward renewal. The board may deny credit for any course.

While some of these courses may be desirable, subjects that do not directly relate to dental skills, knowledge, or competence, are ineligible for credit for renewal of a license or registration. 

You should also note that information listed on this web site refers only to the requirements of the Iowa Dental Board for license or registration renewal. You may have different requirements to renew specialty certification, national certification, or to meet other federal requirements. For example, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires dental employees to complete at least one hour yearly in an OSHA update course, or as soon as possible when there are changes in procedures or job assignments.

Hours Awarded

The number of hours awarded for each course depends on the length of the course. For example, participants at a three (3) hour course usually receive three (3) hours of credit. This may vary, however, if portions of the course are not eligible for credit. For example, a four (4) hour course that discussed patient communication skills (an acceptable topic) for two (2) hours and covered personnel management (a topic ineligible for continuing education credit for the purposes of renewal) for the remainder of the time would receive only two (2) hours of credit. In all cases, the course sponsor should provide you with proof of attendance that indicates the number of continuing education credit hours awarded. 

The Board has established certain limits on the number of hours awarded for various activities. Keep these points in mind when calculating the number of hours you have earned each biennium.

Attendance at convention-type meetings (like the annual session convention held every May or the ADA annual meeting) is awarded three hours of credit, with a maximum of six hours per biennium. The three hours of credit is for registration and attendance at the meeting, additional credit can be claimed for attending the continuing education courses offered at the meeting.
Four (4) hours of credit is allowed for presenting an original table clinic at a convention meeting, as verified by the sponsor.
Two (2) hours of credit is awarded for attendance at the table clinic session of a convention meeting, as verified by the sponsor.
Fifteen (15) hours of credit per semester is awarded for postgraduate study relating to health sciences.
Fifteen (15) hours of credit is awarded for successful completion of Part II of the National Board exam for dentists or hygienists, if taken five or more years after graduation, or completing a recognized specialty exam.
Self-study or home study activities including television viewing, video programs, correspondence work, or computer programs, are limited to a maximum of 12 hours per biennium. You cannot, however, obtain abuse training from an out-of-state provider. These courses must cover the specific requirements of Iowa law.
Original presentation of continuing dental education credit shall result in credit double that what the participant receives. Credit is not awarded for repeating presentations, or for presentations that are part of normal teaching or academic duties.
Publications of scientific articles in professional journals related to dentistry, dental hygiene, or dental assisting shall result in a maximum of 5 hours per article, maximum of 20 hours per biennium.
Duplicate credit cannot be claimed for completing the same course in a biennium.

Reporting Continuing Education

Continuing education is reported at the time of license or registration renewal. Approximately 60 days before your license or registration expires, you will be sent an email to your email address of record, notifying you about renewal. As part of the renewal, you must document the number of continuing education hours earned, and the dates that you took mandatory abuse training, unless you qualify for an exemption or extension. In addition, you must provide the expiration date of your current CPR certification.  A copy of your CPR card must be provided to the Board upon request.

It is important that you maintain a file of all continuing education courses attended. Board rules require that you maintain proof of attendance for four (4) years after the year of attendance. The Board routinely audits renewals and can ask you to show proof of all hours claimed for renewal. If your renewal is selected for audit, you must provide copies of certificates showing the continuing education activity attended and the number of hours awarded. Failure to document enough continuing education hours could result in possible disciplinary action of your license or registration. If you lose copies of your proof of attendance forms, you should contact the course sponsor(s) for duplicate copies.

Mandatory Reporting

By law, all health care providers in Iowa are mandatory reporters of suspected cases of child abuse or dependent adult abuse. State law also requires that all health care providers receive mandatory training identifying and reporting cases of suspected abuse. If your practice treats children, you must obtain the training in identification and reporting of child abuse. If your practice treats adults, you must obtain training in identification and reporting of dependent adult abuse. If your practice treats both children and adults, you must obtain both types of training. Training can be obtained through separate classes or one combined class that covers both topics.

The mandatory training is required within six (6) months of initial practice in Iowa, and every five (5) years thereafter. Continuing education hours are also awarded for completing the training. You may claim two (2) hours of continuing education credit for a course that addresses children or adults; or you may claim three (3) hours of continuing education credit for the combined course that covers both child and dependent adult abuse. 

The Dental Board does not offer or approve the mandatory training courses. The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) is one of the agencies, which approves courses in this area. Many courses are offered through local hospitals, some nursing homes, area education agencies, or the Department of Human Services.


Board rules require all licensees and registered dental assistants to show proof of current certification in CPR in order to renew. Certification should be obtained through a “nationally-recognized course,” such as the Red Cross or American Heart Association courses. Dentists with general anesthesia or moderate sedation permits are required to have current Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certification, or Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) in conjunction with their sedation permit. To be eligible, CPR certification courses must include a "hands-on", clinical component.  A CPR course may include an online component provided there is an in-person portion prior to the certification being issued.

You are required to maintain current CPR certification for each year that you maintain your license or registration. Some courses are valid for one year, while others have a two-year renewal cycle. Pay attention to the expiration date on your CPR card and make sure you renew on time. CPR requires practice in order to maintain your skills, so stay current. You may claim up to three (3)  hours of continuing education credit each biennium for taking a CPR course.