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Updated:  5/1/2018

Summary Dentist

Renewal Deadline:   Not found
Renewal Period:  2 Years
Required Hours:  30

State Mandated CE Courses:  Medical Emergenies

Limits on Courses: See below

Summary RDH

Renewal Deadline:  Not found   
Renewal Period:  2 Years
Required Hours:  18

State Mandated CE Courses:   Medical Emergenies, 15 hrs must be on hygiene subject areas

Limits on Courses: See below


Vermont Board of Dental Examiners

Administrative Rules 4.12-4.15 and 6.16-6.20

4.12 Continuing Education Requirement

In addition to meeting the active practice requirement in subsection (a) above, a dentist must also document completion of 30 hours professional education which shall include emergency office procedures courses during the two-year licensing period preceding renewal. Except for emergency office procedures, this provision shall apply only to renewals after an applicant's initial two years of practice in Vermont.

4.13 Approval of Continuing Education Programs

(a) Standards - A program meets Board qualifications if it is a formal course of learning which contributes to the growth of professional knowledge and competence in providing patient care.

(b) The board will consider a continuing education course to be a “formal course of learning” if it meets the following criteria: The course is conducted by a qualified instructor who will be able to instruct and interact in any of the following formats:
     (1) Classroom Instruction - Traditional in-classroom, with instructor and student interaction and written materials; ​       (2)Interactive Television which permits continuous mutual communication between the instructor and all students, continuous observation of the instructor by all students, and continuous observation of all students by the instructor;
     (3) Distance Courses /Online Delivery Distance education courses are defined as programs whereby instruction does not take place in a traditional classroom setting but rather through other media where teacher and student are apart but exchange between instructor and student by electronic means.
     (4) Self-study courses which conclude with an examination may be accepted. (

c) Case-by-case approval - Individual courses may be approved upon submitting to the Board a course outline, instructor qualifications, sponsoring organization, and dates of presentation. Advance approval is not required. The Board will not approve a course or program for continuing education credit if, in its discretion, the Board determines that the program does not contain sufficient educational content.

(d) Approved sponsors may include the ADA, ADHA, ADAA, and their constituent and component dental societies and associations, CODA accredited schools or programs, and home study programs sponsored by any of the above groups. Approved sponsors will also include any sponsor that has ADA, CERP, or AGD, PACE certification.

(e) Courses in practice management and financial management will be accepted if they contribute to the growth of professional knowledge and competence in providing patient care. Examples include, but are not limited to the following:
     (1) courses that promote communication among members of the dental team and between members of the dental team and patients;
     (2) ethics;
     (3) insurance billing and coding; and (4) proper patient record keeping.

(f) The Board considers that the following are among the subjects that do not contribute to the growth of professional knowledge and competence in providing patient care, and will not be approved by the Board for continuing education credit:
     (1) accounting and similar topics;
     (2) business administration or management;
     (3) cultural matters;
     (4) general office and computer skills:
     (5) memory training;
     (6) personal business and financial planning matters;
     (7) personal development;
     (8) personal health and recreation;
     (9) personal money management;
     (10) politics;
     (11) software for office use;
     (12) speed reading;
     (13) success training;
     (14) time management; and
     (15) web site development.

4.14 Verification Audits The Board may conduct random audits to verify completion of continuing education up to seven years after a license is renewed. Upon request by the Board, the licensee shall submit certificates of completion for all programs listed in the licensee's renewal application.

4.15 Failure to Meet Active Practice/Continuing Education Requirement A dentist who fails to meet the active practice/continuing education requirement will be refused renewal and must file an application and must successfully complete the examinations required by Rule 4.4

6.16 Mandatory Continuing Education for Dental Hygienists

(a) During each full licensing period, licensed dental hygienists must satisfactorily complete 12 hours continuing education as prescribed below. Effective after the 2009 renewal: dental hygienists must satisfactorily complete 18 hours of continuing education as provided below.

(b) Exception: New licensees will not be required to submit evidence of continuing education, except emergency office procedures required by Rule 6.21, until the first full twoyear renewal period following initial licensure.

(c) Documentation of continuing education shall be presented to the Board upon request.

(d) Types of Education: Nine credits or hours must be taken in clinical or didactic dental or dental hygiene subject areas. Effective after the 2009 renewal: 15 credits or hours must be taken in clinical or didactic dental or dental hygiene subject areas. The remaining three credits or hours may be taken in non-scientific areas appropriate to the practice of dental hygiene.

(e) One hour of continuing education credit shall be given for each hour of attendance at lectures, seminars, or other similar programs. Home study course credit will be determined by the course sponsor based upon the reasonable amount of time necessary to cover course material.

(f) Credit hours obtained during a renewal period shall not be applied to any succeeding renewal period.

(g) Approved course sponsors shall include:
     (1) American Dental Hygienist's Association (ADHA),
     (2) American Dental Association (ADA),
     (3) Constituent and component state dental hygiene associations and constituent and component state dental societies,
     (4) Academy of General Dentistry,
     (5) Dental or dental hygiene teaching institutions accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) of the ADA,
     (6) Home study courses sponsored by any of the organizations or institutions listed in subparagraphs 1 through 5 above.

6.17 Documentation Licensees must obtain an authenticated document of attendance from the course sponsor. The document of attendance shall include:

     (a) Participant's name,
     (b) Title or subject area of course,
     (c) Course sponsor,
     (d) Date and location of course,
     (e) Number of lecture and clinical or laboratory participation hours.

6.18 Retention of Continuing Education Records Documents pertaining to continuing education programs attended shall be retained by the licensee for seven years.

6.19 Verification of Compliance Compliance with continuing education requirement shall be verified by the licensee's signature on the license renewal form.

6.20 Audits The Board may audit licensees for compliance with the continuing education requirement. The auditing procedure shall be as follows:

(a) A letter will be sent by the Board requesting the licensee to provide within 30 days photocopies of authenticated documents of attendance obtained from course sponsors.

(b) Documentation submitted will be examined by the Board.

(c) If the documentation submitted fulfills all of the requirements of this section, the Board will send a letter confirming compliance to the licensee.

(d) If the documentation submitted does not fulfill all of the requirements of this section, the discrepancy must be justified or corrected within 90 days.