Instructions on how to enter your courses

Your courses may be accessed by clicking on the tab 'My Account' under your name.  When cookies are enabled, it allows easier entry of courses.  Cut and paste options work well with our system and produce faster entries.  Please use Chrome, Firefox, or Safari for best results.  

  1. After entering your courses, you can check them in two ways:

      1.   Hit the 'Preview' button

      2.  Go to the 'Course Search' tab at the top of the page.  Enter your provider name in the 'Providers' tab.  Change the search to online if applicable.  Hit Search.  You will be able to see all the courses that you have entered.  


Courses may be added under the Convention Tab under 'create a related course' or under the Courses Listed tab.

Convention:  Add the convention the course is connected to if applicable.

Title:  Title of the course.  

Provider:  List your association or company name.  Please be consistent.

Specialty:  If this course is specifically for a hygienist or lab technician, please indicate.  Otherwise select dentist.  

Topic:  You may select multiple topics by holding the 'ctrl' button.  Please limit your selection to 3 pertinent topics.  If you are entering a large convention such as Yankee Dental Conference, select the topic 'general dentistry' and then you may be able to enter applicable topics when you enter each course.

Description:  There is not a limit on the length of the description.  However, please keep descriptions brief but comprehensive.  Items place here are searchable in the 'search term' box.  If a website is not available, place contact information here.

Speaker:  Add all the speakers that are invited to the convention.  Please use correct spelling.

  • Photos:  Three photos are given as an option to feature your course.  This is not a required field.  Default photos will be used if no photo is uploaded. Inappropriate photos will be deleted and denial of use will be accessed.

       Featured Speaker Image:  Smaller photo displayed to the left of the speaker's name.  A ratio of 100 x 100 pixels                                      is advised.

       Course Photo:  Elongated photo to the left of the course description.  Our site will scale it down to fit.  A ratio                                        of 290 x 500 pixels is advised.

       Company Logo:  Found to the left of the course in the main course result search engine.  A ratio of 100 x 100                                         pixels is advised.

Price:  The cost of the course in USD.  If no cost, place $0.  You may put a range of costs in this box; however, only a single cost is searchable.

Credits:  Place the continuing education credits earned by taking this course.

Online:  If the course is found exclusively online, indicate it here.  Online courses will not expire.  And they are only visible to dental professionals that have a membership.

Link:  Copy the URL or enter the website address you feel has the most information about the course.

Address/City/State/ZIP:  The address placed here will be used by our pin points on our Maps.  ZIP codes are also searchable with a 500 mile radius.

Start/End Date:  Manually enter or use the calendar option.  For online courses, please anticipate the time you may offer this course.


Name:  The name of your convention.  We allow only one provider to have control over a conference name.  If this name was previously entered by our researchers or someone else has control, you may get a 'This name has already been taken'.  If you represent this association or provider, email us at with the convention name and we will research who should have the proper access.  

Title:  The specific name of the convention that year.  ie. Yankee Dental Conference 2017 

Topic:  You may select multiple topics by holding the 'ctrl' button.  Please limit your selection to 3 pertinent topics.  If you are entering a large convention such as Yankee Dental Conference, select the topic 'general dentistry' and then you may be able to enter applicable topics when you enter each course.

Audiences:  Click all that apply

Provider:  List your association or company name.  Please be consistent.

Start/End Date:  Manually enter or use the calendar option.

Link:  Copy the URL or enter the website address you feel has the most information about the convention.

Address/City/State/ZIP:  The address placed here will be used by our pin points on our Maps.  ZIP codes have a 500 mile radius.

Speaker:  Add all the speakers that are invited to the convention.  Please use correct spelling.